Friday, September 14, 2007


Creating the scale allowed me to be structured and accurate. I had make sure my colors were not gradient and keep the scale looking constant. I went from dark to light in a curved shape. Making the drawing had more excitement to it. I liked how you were able to create your own composition. This piece was more interesting and fun because you were able to put more creativity into to it.

1 comment:

Britney Luckey said...

- The design consists of a single shape that is pieced together by many flat sections of values that are joined with adjacent values that are never the same. This combined with separation of white outlining creates the illusion of a single joined shape. The way these values of shape are framed by negative space makes the overall form an organic one, paired with the curving of the white lining. The composition consists of both outer and inner curving that turns a seemingly simple shape into a more complicated one. Most of the values contained in the shape consist of medium tone, with the occasional darkest dark and lightest light.

- The roundness of the overall shape makes the design a generally friendly one that makes it more calming and easier to look at. The outlines flowing through the shape guide the eye throughout its harmonious plan that holds great unity. The limited use of the highest and lowest values creates a gradual flow that also leads the eye around the piece, also suggesting that the parts of the design work well together. The composition could represent various values of light and dark co-existing to symbolize harmony that flows peacefully all as one entity.

- Overall, the design is very pleasant and successful. The various shades work together as one to create a composition. The harmony of the piece demonstrates great flow that is graceful to the eye, instead of harsh and domineering.