Thursday, September 27, 2007

Pattern, repeated

Floor tiles, wall coverings, fabric prints and general ornaments all have one thing in common. They all seem to have patterns. These patterns range from simple, to complex.

Floor tiles are very simple patterns. They come mostly in a rectangular or square pattern but can be found in all sorts of colors. Fabric prints are more design like and can have extravagant patterns that tend to make me dizzy. Wall coverings range from all sorts of patterns. It can be modern, realistic, or abstract patterns that may consist of a composition or just design. General Ornaments is a design like print that can be very decorative. You can find this print on all sorts of items such as jewelry, ornaments, chandeliers and more. It can range from just a mark to a composition.

All of the patterns formed in the tiles, coverings, prints, and ornaments are consistent. They are repeated across their form, which is used for decoration in some manner. I seem to like the fabric prints out of the types. The prints on the fabric are more design like modern and funky. They seem to be newer and can be used for more up to date things.

Monday, September 24, 2007

A classic puzzle from Gestalt

Friday, September 14, 2007


Creating the scale allowed me to be structured and accurate. I had make sure my colors were not gradient and keep the scale looking constant. I went from dark to light in a curved shape. Making the drawing had more excitement to it. I liked how you were able to create your own composition. This piece was more interesting and fun because you were able to put more creativity into to it.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Lines, Shapes, and String Activity

The lines activity was a creative new project for me to do. I liked creating the four pages of continues line from a straight line to organic. The project aloud an amount of freedom that allowed you to use your creativity. It was basic and yet you could make it as complex as you wanted. I began drawing my lines without thinking. The moment I started my line I aloud the movement in my arms and hand lead the direction of my line. When putting all the pages together the outcome looked different considering in turned into one piece rather than four. I liked the outcome but if I were to do it again I would do it differently because I would want something new.

The string activity was new and exciting. Getting to string up your entire classroom for fun was something I never have done before. I like the way it allowed the students to work together and the idea that we where doing something complex. The outcome looked overwhelming and chaotic. Just like the line project I did not think or plane the outcome I allowed my motions to control what my outcome would be. This allows a more surprising unpredictable ending. I liked how the project was huge and brought out an emotion of extremeness. It was a light and fun activity that had a rewarding outcome.


Which of the images a, b, c, or d are lines? A and B

Which of the images are a, b, c, or d are shapes? C and D

What makes a line? Line is a continuous stable mark that is endless. A line can be in all forms of distance.

What makes a Shape? A shape is a solid form that is a contained object. It is a complete definite form.

Monday, September 3, 2007

Stillness and Movement

This piece of art work has lots of straight lines. These lines are drawn with a straight edge from graphite. It looks like a plan for a building or house. The lines are in the background going diagonal, vertical, horizontal with two grids located in the middle. On top of the precise neat lines is an explosion of movement going in all different directions that covers the middle area of the art work. There are random darker streaks of swirls scattered across the piece. The art work is manly black, grey, white, with a little orange.

This work reflects two sides to the artist. First it shows he or she is precise and organized when drawing out the individual lines. The chaotic explosion on top of the lines shows lots of movement. The artist put in lots of movement and stillness into his work to give off two extreme emotions. This creates a even more intense emotion when combined, almost bipolar like.

The energetic area of the piece has nice value where there is more contrast. This gives the picture more depth and intensity. I like this piece because there are two emotions pulled out of me which are completely opposite and yet compatible. I like that it is extreme with out the use of colors. I think the artist wanted an intense outcome but yet he wanted it to be simple by only using two motions, stillness and movement.